Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What is going on?

Hi my name is Jaye,and I was just watching "The United States Vs John Lennon".The passion behind the movement to stop the war in Vietnam,incorporating the youth of America,normally so apathetic,was astounding.And I think about today3/1/2010,and how I here more about video games and the internet,than I do actual concerns about why we are still at war.Why are we still at war?That is why I called my blog "From the mouth of a babe",because I would like to ask all kinds of questions about the world today from a point of ignorance,no matter how educated or informed I am,and perhaps get answers that even a child would understand.Not answers born from rhetoric or political posturing,but answers that are sane,logical,and make sense.I really just don't understand and if anyone out there can give me any kind of answers perhaps we might all figure it out together.
Oh,and before you all jump on me,I do realize I am using the internet to ask these questions,I actually can not say enough good about the ease of exchanging ideas via the internet,the wealth of knowledge exchanged,and all of the information we can gain so easily.What I referred to earlier was that the young are more concerned with social networking,than social change.